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Billionaire on Top Page 3
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Standing off to the side, I slug down one of my drinks and allow myself to start feeling the effects of the alcohol before starting on the other. I glance at my phone, but it’s only midnight. We still have at least two hours of partying to do before I can even think about hauling my roommate home.
“Buy you a drink?” I turn to see a maybe-he’s-20-but-definitely-not-21-year-old standing next to me with an eager smile.
“Thanks, but I already have one.” I’m not trying to be rude, but I didn’t come here to pick up a guy. My hair is pulled back in full bitch mode, I’m still wearing my hoodie even though it’s a million degrees in here, and I have jeans on. Jeans.
“Well, maybe you could use another one.” He leans in close and yells in my ear, “You know, on account of you sucking my dick later.”
Is this guy for real?
“Get lost, loser.” I turn away, about to make my way back to the bar, when he grabs my arm.
“Hey now, don’t be like that.” I make eye contact with him. He’s obviously drunk, but he’s also a lot bigger than me. I don’t want any trouble, but there’s also no way I’m spending any more time talking to this guy.
“I said, ‘get lost.’” I try to pull away, but his grip is too strong. I pull harder, but he just smiles.
“And I said, you’re going to suck my cock, slut.”
Suddenly, he’s pulled backwards from me and lands on his ass in the middle of the room.
“I believe the lady said she is not interested in your company tonight.” My savior’s voice is familiar, but his back is still to me. The drunk guy stumbles to his feet and mumbles something before security grabs him and escorts him from the bar. Within seconds, the room has forgotten about the little incident and everyone goes back to dancing. Holly never even stopped kissing her girl.
“Are you okay?” Now the man turns to me and I realize why he sounded familiar: he’s been barking orders at me all week.
Going to a bar opening is never my idea of fun, but Bruce, one of my managers, somehow convinced me that it would be good for publicity if the owner actually showed up to one of these events. While I spent most of my night hiding in his office, I felt a twinge of excitement when I saw Allison and her blonde friend coming in. I definitely didn’t pick her for the party type of girl, and judging by her outfit and the scowl she’s had plastered on her face all night, neither did she.
I kept my distance, not wanting to freak her out, at least until that jerk decided he’d have his way with her. I may be a womanizing piece of shit, but at least I treat women with dignity. No woman could ever say she felt tricked into having sex with me. No woman could ever say I promised her anything than what I did: one night, no strings.
But now that I’m standing here, in front of Allison, all of that fades away. How could anyone treat her the way that bastard did?
“Are you okay?” I ask her again. I don’t think she heard me the first time. Either that, or she’s still scared out of her mind. She’s shaking.
“Allison?” I ask. “Are you okay? He’s gone now. You’re safe.”
To my surprise, instead of slapping me and telling me to leave her alone, she falls into my arms, sobbing. She wraps her arms around me and I have no idea what to do about the boner that’s suddenly making its presence very known. Shit. The last thing I want is for her to thing I’m going to try to fuck her when she’s all vulnerable.
“Let’s get you out of here,” I tell her, grabbing her shoulders. “I think you’ve had enough. Am I right?”
She nods, but then stops. “My friend,” she points to Holly. “I have to tell my friend.”
“I’ll take care of her,” I say, “Let’s just get you to the car, okay?”
She nods, and I lead her outside, where my car is waiting. I put her in the backseat before speaking with the bouncer at the door. He’ll make sure Bruce gets Holly home safely tonight. I slide into the backseat and wrap my arms around Allison, letting her melt into me. Damn, she smells great, but she’s still shaking as I hold her on the drive back to my place.
“I’m sorry,” she says, wiping her eyes. “You must think I’m really stupid.”
“Not at all.”
“I didn’t even want this,” she tells me, but it’s not necessary. I know this type of place is out of her comfort zone. I’m pretty sure everyone knows. Allison is way too nice for a place like this. It’s one of the reasons I chose to hire her over the other applicants: she seemed sweet. It might sound weird, given the fact that I’ve been thinking of her constantly since we met, but I wanted an assistant I could actually talk to: not someone who would be constantly trying to sleep with me.
“It’s okay. You’re safe now. That guy will never be allowed back in. I’ll make sure of it.”
“How?” She raises an eyebrow.
“I own the bar.”
She laughs easily, tossing her head back against the seat. Her lips curl up in a smirk when she’s done and leans against me. She’s never looked more relaxed.
“Of course you own it,” she says. “Is there anything in this town you don’t own?”
Now I’m the one laughing. I’m glad she’s finally starting to relax around me a little. Granted, I still want to fuck her silly, but it’s more than that. Allison has this air about her, this quality. She makes me feel like she actually sees me as a person and not just some billionaire who can throw money at her. She seems genuine.
Suddenly, she realizes that we’re not going in the right direction.
“I live on 4th Street,” she says urgently. “This is the wrong way. He needs to go left up here.”
“I’m taking you to my place.”
She raises an eyebrow, and I rush to reassure her.
“Not like that. I have a guest room. I just figured that you wouldn’t want to be alone tonight and your friend seemed…otherwise engaged.”
“Thanks,” Allison says. “That was nice. I love Holly like a sister, but sometimes she’s totally oblivious to everything else in the world.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know,” she starts, but then she shakes her head. “No, I do know. She just thinks the world revolves around her wishes and her desires. Like, she wants to come to the opening tonight, but where is she when some sleazy guy is all over me? Nowhere to be found.” She sighs. I can tell talking about her roommate pains her a little.
“Are you guys pretty close? You know, when she’s not busy making out with girls at bars.”
Allison laughs.
“Yeah, she’s great, usually. Maybe I’m just too much of a party pooper.” She shrugs. “Maybe I should try to be a little more wild, you know?” Allison shoots me a look that’s begging for affirmation. Am I reading her correctly? Allison Byard, full of confidence, full of jokes, full of witty comebacks that keep me on my toes, is feeling insecure when it comes to dating?
“I think you’re perfect just the way you are.”
Maybe it’s because she’s drunk or because I’m tipsy or because we’re both tired, but I kiss her on the forehead softly. She lets out a little purr that shoots straight to my cock, but that’s all that happens. She leans her head back against the seat and closes her eyes. I can’t help but wonder exactly what she’s thinking, or if she feels the same electricity that I do when I look at her.
So now I’m spending the night at my boss’ house. Yes, the one I want to fuck so bad that it hurts. Yes, the one I’m craving constantly. I don’t know how I’m going to last an entire night alone with him. I’m not a slut, by any means, but being around Trevor sure as hell makes me want to become one.
We get to his place and walk inside. He lives in an incredible house overlooking the beach. It’s huge. In addition to the ocean view, I’m guessing he has his own pool. He probably even has a hot tub. We make our way up the stairs to his front door and I manage to stumble inside. He
raises an eyebrow, obviously just now realizing how completely wasted I really am. The last drink really hit me on the way over and I’m finding that I don’t really care about much of anything at the moment: least of all that jerk at the bar.
“Do you have a pool?” I ask, taking my hoodie off.
“Yeah, it’s right out back.”
“Good, let’s swim.” I kick my shoes off next.
“Allison, I’m not sure that’s a great idea. You’re pretty drunk right now.”
“Oh, don’t be such a baby.” I shimmy out of my jeans, revealing my lace thong. He gasps slightly when he sees me, but I ignore the sound and rip my shirt off. Standing before him in only my underwear, I’m not embarrassed, shy, or nervous. I just want to go swim.
“Let’s go,” I say, grabbing his hand. Hesitantly, he leads me outside to where his pool is waiting. I jump in and immediately love the feeling of the water over my body. I let myself sink down, down, down to the depths of the pool until I’m sitting on the bottom of it looking up. Somehow, everything seems so much more peaceful down here. Somehow, everything seems clear.
When I’m in the water, I feel like I could defeat a million bad guys. I feel like I could ward off a thousand jerks. I feel unstoppable. I feel beautiful. All the insecurities wash away and it’s just me and the water. I wish there was something else that could make me feel this way. I spend so much of my time worrying about other people, worrying about the way I present myself to them. For once, it would just be nice to relax.
For once it would just be nice to not feel like I’m weird or nerdy or crazy.
I close my eyes beneath the water and pretend that I’m somewhere else, someone else, living a life less boring, less stressful. I could be a princess. I could be a ninja. I could just be me, but with more confidence than I actually have.
I could be the type of girl who catches Trevor’s eye.
But before I have the chance to explore that last fantasy further, I feel myself being pulled from the water. Trevor’s next to me, his arms wrapped around me. He pulls me up and out of the water, places me next to the pool, and watches with concern as I start gasping for air. I didn’t realize how long I’d been holding my breath.
“What were you doing?” He asks, placing his hand on my cheek. “Are you okay?”
“I was just thinking.”
“At the bottom of my pool?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Something like that.”
Instead of admonishing me, he just says, “Come on.” He grabs my hand reaches for a towel. Trevor wraps it around me and brings me back inside. “I think you’ve had enough fun for one night. Let’s get you to bed.”
We go into the guest room, which is probably beautiful, but everything fades into the background when I see the four poster bed in the center of the room.
“Nice!” I peel my wet underwear off and place it on the carpet before sliding beneath the covers. I don’t know if Trevor is still behind me or not because as soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall fast asleep.
Allison Byard is asleep in my guest room.
I haven’t been able to get this girl out of my head all week and now she’s asleep in my house. When she stripped down and jumped into my pool, I thought my dick was going to explode. Luckily, it didn’t. I still have big dreams of fucking this girl one day.
Most girls, when they’re drunk, at least try something.
I was prepared for her to try to blow me. I was even prepared to play the gentleman and fend her off, reminding her that we’re professionals. All of that, I could handle. But the way she playfully stripped down and didn’t even think twice about me watching her? The way she confidently jumped right into my pool? That’s something I wasn’t prepared for.
Now she’s asleep and I’m alone in my own bed with my raging hard-on, wondering what the hell I’m going to do about it. Somehow jerking off to thoughts of her when she’s in the next room seems weird. Weirder than quietly lusting after her all week? Yeah. Ever since I met her I’ve been consumed with thoughts of her and I don’t know why. She’s just so different from all the other girls. She’s unique.
I’ve never been one to get caught up in thoughts of romanticism or love, but I can’t help myself around her. She keeps me on my toes. With most women, I can predict exactly what they’re going to say, what they’re going to do, how they’re going to react. Whether it’s a woman I meet at Club Blaze or someone I pick up at a bar, all women are basically interchangeable, but not Allison. Not her. There’s something different about her. There’s something new, something special, and I want to find out what it is.
Even if it means not sleeping with her.
I open my eyes and jump out of bed, immediately regretting my decision when I feel the pounding headache. How much did I drink last night? Shit. I haven’t had a hangover since my first year of college. Normally, I’m put-together and have it all under control, but now I’m in Trevor Fox’s guest room, naked, with a hangover that’s going to kill me if I don’t die of embarrassment first.
Where are my clothes?
I remember him bringing me home. I remember going swimming. What I don’t remember is how I got upstairs to the room or why I’m completely naked. I walk over to the open bedroom door and lean into the hallway. I think I hear him in the kitchen, which means he won’t notice if I sneak into his bedroom and borrow something to wear. The last thing I want is to go downstairs completely nude, even if it means finding my clothes.
Granted, I have very little memory of last night. For all I know, I did a sexy striptease and sucked him off before passing out. No idea. But now I’m sober, and therefore modest.
I quietly tiptoe down the hall and open the first door. It’s just a linen closet, so I keep going. The second door reveals a bathroom. The third, an office. Finally, I find what appears to be his bedroom. I sneak into the room and hurry over to the dresser. Surely even CEOs have sweats or pajama pants, right?
Skipping the top drawer, I open the second drawer and gasp when I see an assortment of sex toys. Shit. But also, damn. Trevor is a little more adventurous than I had him pegged for. There are dildos, vibrators, paddles, and handcuffs here, but there is also a crop, a flogger, and some random items I don’t recognize.
I pick up a particularly large black dildo and hold it in my hands. It’s almost as big as my arm. Can someone really take this? This has to be a joke, right? I find the button at the base and turn it on, gasping as it roars to life, twisting and turning. I forget all about finding clothes as I run my hands over the toy, wondering what it would be like to have Trevor using this on me.
“Like what you see?”
His voice brings me back to reality and I turn, seeing him lounging comfortably in the doorway. He’s wearing pajama pants – so that’s what I can’t find any! – and a tight t-shirt that fits him perfectly.
I drop the dildo, not bothering to turn it off, and it bounces around on the bedroom floor.
I’m standing completely naked in my boss’ bedroom, caught red-handed going through his shit, and I just dropped his mega dildo on the floor.
Always calm and collected, Trevor makes his way over and picks up the dildo. He flicks it off, places it in the drawer, and closes it.
He traces my cheek with the back of his hand and leans in to whisper, “I don’t think you could handle Big Tom.” A shot of electricity flows through my body, making me instantly wet. I hope I didn’t just moan out loud at his touch. At this moment, I want very much to find out exactly what I could and could not handle with Trevor Fox.
At this moment, I’m wishing he would throw me back on his bed, push my knees apart, and lick my pussy until I beg him to fuck me until I can’t take it anymore.
Suddenly, I look down, realizing that I’m still, in fact, completely nak
ed. Trevor seems to notice it, too, because he smiles at my reddening cheeks.
“I washed your clothes for you,” he says, pulling away from me and walking to the door. “I just pulled them out of the dryer. They’re on your bed. Feel free to keep snooping around,” he calls out as he heads down the hallway. “Let me know if you find anything you want to try out.”
And then he’s gone.
And I’m still in his bedroom, completely naked, next to a drawer of wickedly exciting sex toys.
What should I decide to do?
As it turns out, I’m not as sneaky or as dangerous as I like to pretend I am, so I pry myself away from his dresser and scurry back to my bedroom. As promised, my clothes are spread out on the bed. I decide to grab a quick shower before I get dressed. I’m not sweaty or smelly, by any means, but I still have a headache and I wonder if the hot water will help. If nothing else, maybe it will clear my head from thoughts of letting Trevor use me for his own pleasure.
I walk into the adjoining bathroom and start the shower, turning it a blistering hot. I don’t need a cold shower right now. I need to wash the scent of Trevor’s house off of me. I need to wash away the feeling of his hand against my cheek. I need to forget about the way he was looking at me while I was holding Big Tom.
I need to forget about everything I saw in that dresser drawer.
Guys like Trevor love to fuck and they’re probably pretty good at it, but me? Girls like me don’t get to fuck guys like him. Girls like me just get our hearts broken by guys like him. That is, if we even get noticed. I find it hard to believe Trevor’s going to look twice at a homely bookworm whose experience with blowjobs is “one guy in high school this one time.”
Guys like him deserve better.
Guys like him command better.