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Billionaire on Top Page 4
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But for just a moment, as I’m immersed beneath the water, I wonder what it would be like to be one of those girls. I wonder what it would be like to fall to my knees in front of Trevor Fox, completely naked. What would it be like to press my hands behind my back, forcing my breasts forward, waiting for his command? What would it be like to have him come before me and shove his cock down my throat? What would it be like to gag on his dick as he watched my eyes water with need and desire?
What would that be like?
Shaking it off, I get out of the shower before I’m tempted to start getting myself off in his bathroom. It’s bad enough he saw me naked. I don’t need him to catch me moaning and writhing around with pleasure, too. I hurriedly dry myself off, run a brush through my hair, and get dressed. I practically bounce downstairs where I find Trevor in the middle of a business call.
He motions for me to help myself to breakfast, so I do. He made eggs and bacon and biscuits and all sorts of other delicious treats. I might be slender, but that’s because I spend so much time at the gym: not because I don’t actually eat. I’m devouring more than my fair share of eggs and he steps outside to finish his call.
“No way,” I hear him say. “Unacceptable.” I wonder who he’s arguing with this early on a Saturday morning. I don’t have to feel concerned for long because it’s only a minute or two before he steps back inside and tosses his phone onto the table.
“Rough morning?” I ask.
He sighs and grabs a slice of toast. Devouring it quickly, he pours himself a glass of orange juice before deciding whether to tell me what the call was about.
“I have a gala to attend tonight.”
I raise an eyebrow.
“Okay?” I’m not sure why going to a formal event would be the reason Trevor feels suddenly stressed to the max.
“There’s going to be someone there I need to impress, someone I want to invest in the company. Unfortunately, my date for the evening just bailed, which means I’m going to be flying solo. It wouldn’t be a big deal, but this guy doesn’t go anywhere without his wife. The girl who was accompanying me was supposed to dazzle the wife while I talk business with the husband.”
“I could be your date.” The words are out of my mouth before I realize what I’m saying. I absolutely could be Trevor’s date, but to just invite myself along? To just assume that I’m what he’s looking for? Damn. I must have balls I never knew about before.
He seems to be thinking about it for a moment. I wonder what the hell he’s thinking. Does he think I’m nuts? Does he think I’m trying to jump his bones? Oh shit. He thinks I’m in love with him, doesn’t he?
“I’m not in love with you,” I blurt out. He starts laughing. He starts laughing and he doesn’t stop. He laughs and laughs until I begin to feel like the biggest dork on the planet. Finally I pick up a biscuit and throw it at him. “Stop,” I say. “It’s not that funny.”
“Okay,” he finally stands back up. “I really appreciate it, Allison.”
“Yeah, you better,” I mutter, taking a drink. “Not every girl happens to have her Saturday night free, you know.”
He leans against the counter, still watching me. Somehow, I’m not sure what to do when his eyes are on me. Trevor Fox is a mysterious man and I can’t help but wonder just how many secrets those eyes of his actually hold.
“You know,” he says, finally, “If this is your way of getting me alone so that you can blow me, you could have just asked when we were upstairs.” Then he winks and waltzes out of the room, leaving me staring at the doorway, wondering how the hell I’m actually going to be able to keep my cool tonight.
Allison wants to be my date.
Allison wants to be my date.
Allison fucking Byard, the cutest personal assistant anyone could ask for, wants to be my date.
I can’t help it. I have to get the hell out of the kitchen before I jump across the counter, push her down on the floor, and fuck her right in my kitchen. Seeing her naked this morning was pure torture. Knowing that she’s going to be hanging on my arm tonight, flirting and playing off my every word, well, that’s just about enough.
My cock is rock hard by the time I get upstairs. I’m sure she thinks I’m crazy for leaving the room the way that I did, but I can’t help it. I have to jerk off and I have to do it now if I’m even going to think about being around her anymore today.
I hurry into my bathroom and lock the door like a teenager, giving myself the privacy I need to find release. I whip my cock out and start rubbing hard and fast. I’m not wasting any time today. If Allison wants to be the girl for me tonight, then damn, she can be the girl for me.
I can’t wait to see her tight body nestled snugly in a cocktail dress she chose just to impress me. I can’t wait to see the way it melts around her as she walks into the room. Her tits are big enough to look great in anything, but small enough that she won’t need a bra to show them off. Maybe she’ll wear a backless dress, one I can slide my hand down when no one else is looking…
The thought of my hand making its way to her ass, especially if she doesn’t wear panties tonight, is more than enough to do the trick. I’m done. I’m hers. I’m completely smitten with this little minx and I don’t know what to do about it. It’s been a long time since I felt this way about a girl and an even longer time since I thought about doing anything about it.
I finish up in the bathroom and leave, hoping I haven’t been gone so long that she’ll know what I was doing. Luckily, I seem to have cum pretty fucking quick because only a few minutes have passed when I get back to the kitchen.
“You left in a hurry,” she comments. She’s done eating and is now washing the dishes.
“You don’t have to do that,” I tell her. “I have someone who does that.”
“Uh, newsflash: it’s a dish. I’m not cleaning your house. And I’m pretty sure your housekeeper isn’t going to want to come over to a sink full of dirty dishes. That’s gross. Hand me those plates.”
She’s elbows deep in suds and motions for me to hand her the rest of the plates from the food this morning. Not feeling like arguing with someone who basically has a heart of gold, I hand her the dishes and find myself drying as she rinses.
“Do you have something to wear tonight?” I ask her, putting the glasses away.
“No. I’ll go shopping. I should have time.”
“I’ll give you a company credit card to use.”
“That’s not necessary.”
“It’s already almost noon,” I tell her. “You need a dress, shoes, and your hair done before six. Trust me. I’ll make a couple of calls and send you to just the right places. You’re going to be the belle of the ball.”
She smiles slightly, obviously fighting back the urge to tease me about spoiling her, but she doesn’t. Instead, she simply says, “Thank you,” and goes back to washing the dishes in my kitchen sink.
I’m not broke.
I’m not.
But that doesn’t mean I have the cash on hand to go buy a designer dress, shoes, a purse, and everything else required for a night on the town with Trevor Fox. When he gives me a company credit card and puts me in a car to go shopping, I have no idea what to expect.
Last night I was just some girl at the bar and now, tonight…well, tonight I’m going to be a princess.
I switch on my phone and realize I don’t have any missed texts or calls from Holly. Weird. We have a bit of a drive before we reach the store, so I call Holly on the way. She answers on the first ring.
“What the hell happened last night, slut?” Despite her graphic language, she sounds excited: not mad.
“What? Nothing. Trevor took me home.”
“Oh, I know.” She purrs. “The manager of the bar took very good care of me after he told me that your boss was taking you home.”
“The manager? Did you two…?”
She laughs. “No,
but I drank for free the rest of the night and he dropped me off at home after closing. Super nice guy. He might just make me forget all about ol’ Quinton.”
“Wow, Holly. That sounds pretty nice, actually.”
“What about you, Allie? Spill. Dish it all. Did you guys fuck?”
“No. We just went to bed. Alone.” I leave out the part about how I basically spent the entire time naked. It’ll just make her think things happened that definitely didn’t happen. Not that I didn’t want them to, I realize for the millionth time.
“Really? He seemed super into you.”
“Nah,” I’m saying it for myself as much as I’m saying it for Holly. “He was just being a gentleman.” I glance out the window and realize that we’re almost to the shop. “Listen, though, I told Trevor I’d go with him to this event tonight, a business thing.”
“So I’ll be out late. I might crash at his place again. I’m not sure. Just don’t wait up or worry, okay?”
“I expect a full report tomorrow.”
“I know.”
“Have fun, Allie.”
“You too.”
We arrive at the store and the driver escorts me to the front door before tipping his hat.
“I’ll be waiting right here for you, Miss,” he says. “Take your time.”
When I get inside, I’m instantly greeted by four staff members. Trevor obviously called ahead and told them to be expecting me. I’m guessing he even told them my size because there are already a stack of dresses waiting for me to try on. Within minutes, the women working have me stripped and dressed and stripped again. It only takes a few tries before we find the perfect dress: a floor-length strapless blue dress.
The attendants manage to find me a gorgeous pair of sapphire earrings to match the dress, along with a set of silver flats. Part of me was worried they’d make me wear heels, especially because Trevor is so tall, but somehow they managed to find something that’s both beautiful and practical.
I hand over the credit card, cringing at the number flashing at me before I find my way back to the car. I settle in, try to catch my breath, and I’m on my way to get my hair and makeup done. The entire afternoon is a whirlwind. By the time my hair is finished, I’m completely starving, but it’s time to head to the gala.
I can’t thank the driver enough for all of his help today. I try to tip him, but he smiles and shakes his head at the gesture.
“Don’t worry about that, Dear. Mr. Fox takes good care of me. Now you have a good time. You look lovely.”
I nod, take a deep breath, and head up the stairs to the double glass doors. I wonder if the entire hotel was rented out for this event because it’s completely packed as I make my way into the lobby and down the hall to the ballroom. Everyone I pass looks amazing and I feel suddenly grateful that Trevor insisted I dress up. I would have ruined any chances of him landing this deal if I showed up in one of my own sad, faded cocktail dresses.
When I walk into the ballroom, I’m completely overwhelmed. People are everywhere. How am I ever going to find Trevor? I glance at my cell phone and realize that I don’t even have his personal number. Awesome.
My stomach growls, reminding me that I’m completely starving, and I make my way over to one of the buffets. First I’ll get some grub, then I’ll find one of the bartenders. I could use a stiff drink or five. I’m almost at the food when I feel a hand on the small of my back.
“You look beautiful.”
I turn and melt. If I was wearing panties, which I’m absolutely not, they’d be on the floor right now. I suddenly feel completely justified in my decision to slip them off in the car and hide them in my purse. Why I felt like being so crazy, I’m not sure. That’s a lie. I know exactly why felt like being crazy, and he’s standing in front of me. All six foot, two inches of him wrapped in a delicious tuxedo and topped with a smile to die for.
Trevor Fox: fuck me, please.
“Thank you,” I manage to say, allowing him to take my hand and lead me into the throngs of people. I forget all about eating as he leans down to explain who he’s looking for and why this business deal is important, but all I can think about is how good he smells, how many toys he had in his bedroom, and whether he’d ever consider letting me be one of those girls he fucks hard and fast when no one’s looking.
Or when everyone’s looking.
“Miranda,” he suddenly says, grinning and kissing an attractive woman on the cheek. She looks to be in her early 30s with dark hair piled on top of her head. Her dress is dark red and brings out her flashing brown eyes. “So good to see you.”
She kisses him back politely before turning to me.
“And who is this?” She asks with a smile.
“This is Allison Byard,” Trevor says politely. “Allison, this is Miranda Colbern. We go way back.”
Miranda laughs and places a hand on Trevor’s arm, but I notice a glistening rock on her left hand, so I don’t feel jealous.
“Don’t worry,” she winks at me. “Our fathers were competitors.” Somehow I can’t shake the feeling that there might be more to the story than that, but I try not to go full jealous bitch-mode on Miranda. She seems genuinely kind.
“Don’t tell Allison too many stories,” Trevor laughs. “You might scare her away.”
“Oh no,” Miranda says, giving me an approving nod. “I have a feeling this one can hold her own.”
A man comes up and shakes Trevor’s hand.
“Ben,” Trevor says. “Meet Allison Byard, my assistant.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I say, holding my hand out to shake his. To my surprise, he grabs my hand and kisses it softly, his eyes never leaving mine.
“The pleasure is mine,” he says.
Miranda rolls her eyes. “Meet my husband,” she says to me, grabbing his arm and pulling him close. “He’s quite the flirt, so watch out, darling.”
Trevor gives me a look and I realize that this is the man he’s been wanting to talk to. He turns to Ben and starts talking business, so it’s up to me to make small talk with Miranda long enough for him to seal the deal.
“Shall we go find some champagne?” I ask her. “You look like you could use a drink.”
“Oh honey,” she grins, letting go of Ben’s arm and grabbing mine instead. “You have no idea.”
Trevor smiles approvingly as the two of us go off in search of alcohol, letting the men have their time to talk about the future of their companies.
“So,” Miranda says, handing me a glass of champagne. “How did you and Trevor meet?”
“He hired me to be his personal assistant,” I say, downing my drink. I’ve never been a huge fan of champagne, but somehow it seems appropriate given what I’m wearing. Any other day I’d be begging for a rum-and-coke. Even now, stuck in this crowded room full of stuffy people, I’m wondering how totally wrong it would be to order liquor.
“So you actually work for him?” Her eyes twinkle. “I was just wondering if there was something more there.”
I smile politely.
“I’m afraid not. We’re all business.”
Miranda nods.
“Makes sense, with Trevor. He doesn’t date much these dates.” She glances at him then says quietly, “Sometimes I worry about that boy.”
“Why’s that?” What does Miranda know about Trevor that I don’t? Does he have some weird secret that prevents him from dating? Is he physically incapable of ever falling in love? What is it that holds him back?
“Oh, just with everything that happened with his parents,” she hesitates before adding, “Trevor has quite the reputation as a playboy, but it’s no wonder why. Sometimes I just wonder if he’s ever going to find happiness.” She looks again to where the men are obviously deep in discussion and lets out a soft sigh. “I couldn’t imagine my life without Ben. I just hope he finds someone who makes him feel the same way.”
Now this is a convers
ation I’m finding interesting. What happened with his parents? Why would that mean Trevor isn’t interested in finding love? I hesitate for just a second before realizing that Miranda could quite possibly be the only person who will ever tell me the truth about Trevor Fox, aside from the man himself.
“What happened with his parents?” I try to say casually, but she knows exactly what I’m doing.
“Why do you ask, sweetie?”
“If I’m going to be his assistant, I should know about his background.” I say quickly. “Trevor seems a little closed when it comes to personal issues. If there’s anything you could tell me to help me understand him better, I’m guessing it would help me improve at my job.” I’m suddenly thrilled with myself and my ability to think on my feet. Even though I’m obviously feeding her a line of BS, Miranda eats it up and nods.
“He was 12 when his mother left. He was old enough to know what happened even though his little brother didn’t really grasp the entirety of the situation.” Miranda signals a waiter for another drink and I happily grab one, too, as she continues.
“Trevor’s parents had been married nearly 20 years when his father found out that she’d been having an affair. Of course, typical horror story, the man in question was his father’s best friend.”
I gasp. How horrible. I can’t imagine the pain of finding out that your one true love had betrayed you like that, much less finding out it was with your best friend: the one person you’re supposed to be able to trust with everything. Talk about complete betrayal. Talk about a loss of hope in humankind.
“I know,” Miranda continues. “So long story short, the parents divorced. Mrs. Fox was never heard from again. Mr. Fox poured himself into his work and made the company what it is today, though everyone thought it was strange he didn’t change the name of the company.”
“Change the name?” I ask. “Why would he change the name?”
She smiles.
“Kayfox, dear. It’s named for her. Kari-Anne Yvette Fox.”
Wow. I feel suddenly like someone punched me in the stomach. I can’t help but look at Trevor with a little bit of pity. No wonder he’s such a womanizer now. The only woman he ever trusted brutally betrayed his entire family when he was small. That had to have scarred him emotionally, even if he didn’t realize it.